Friday, October 2, 2009

Friends - Or lack thereof..

I just got done talking to a friend that I haven't talked to in years.

She probably thinks I'm a nut, but hopefully she doesn't take me being me as too aukward. I am kinda different.

Recognizing her and also making contact with another friend from high school that never judged me is hard at this point in life. I have hundreds of people who will tell you they are my friend, but unfortunately they just like me because of what I can get for them or do for them.

People suck. As a general rule, I don't like new people. I talk to my family and one friend from high school on a regular basis. The girl I do talk to is the one that was at war with my sister for her husband (they've been married now for like 13 years) throughout high school and still holds a grudge. The only reason I really think we're as "close" as we are is so that she can keep up with how my sister's married life is. Everyone's got a reason, right?

As I was feeling sorry for myself the other day, for not having any friends that didn't just like me because I'm cool as hell (which I am), I remembered a girl that was always nice to me and always had kind words. Never once did we argue or fight. When I moved away when I was 15, I lost touch. She graduated and moved on with her life. Honestly I hadn't given much thought to her in the last 16 years. Then, the other day, I started thinking about her and wondering how nice it would be if I had a friend like that now. I have a few people that I can talk to if necessary, but it's hard being surrounded by friends and still feeling lonely.

The two friends... you are good friends... I'm so glad that we are in touch again and know that I'll never forget how great you were to me all those years ago. I am still thankful. Hope we get to know each other all over again. You guys rock!

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