Monday, December 20, 2010

The hardest part is facing myself

I tend to want to control everything. Lately I've been listening to others and trying to look at myself through the eyes of those around me. The hardest part is...I don't like what I see. I see a selfish, demanding person who doesn't accept no for an answer and never compromises.

I really don't want to be this way, and I am having trouble accepting that I'm the one that has to do all the work. I'm ticked off at my parents because they never gave me what I needed to feel secure and I'm mad at all sorts of things and events that happened. But, it all still comes back to me being the one that has to change.

I'm working on listening and processing the thoughts before I respond. I'm finding that most of the time no response is necessary. I've come to realize that a lot of people excuse themselves from taking responsibility because they know I will if given long enough. I'm trying to move forward and realize what is my business and what isn't. It's amazing how much I stuck my nose in others' business.

I know this is a long road. I know it's a hard road. But, it's the road I must travel if I want to achieve all I have planned for myself. Hi-ho hi-ho it's back to life I go....

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